Sunday, 29 April 2012

Marilyn Manson art work & Interview with Vogue Italia

I have always been a fan of the shock rocker Marilyn Manson since about the age of 12 or 13. I grew up a "goth" and could relate to him to kind of flick 2 fingers up to the rest of the world and to express who I wanted to be. 

Marilyn has always inspired me to be the best and to do what I want, and I think his artwork speaks of that too. Taken from his website some of my favourites are below:

Since emigrating,  and now living in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland, to my amazement Vogue Italia have done an interview with Marilyn speaking of his newest song "Born Villain". Ive checked out the images with Vogue, and am shocked - fashion turned metal featuring one of the metal legends of my time??

Its great to see fashion embracing all genres of music/culture - check out the pics below and the main article of Vogue Italia HERE.

Other images from:

Photoshop and airbrushing scandals grow less shocking by the day, but we are always super excited to see unretouched photos. It's satisfying to see what celebrities and models really look like! The photo at the left was taken last weekend in St. Barth's during a photo shoot for Glamour's June issue. From left to right we have Victoria's Secret model Alessandra Ambrosio, plus-size model Crystal Renn, and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue cover girl Brooklyn Decker. 

Of course makeup artists and celeb hair stylist Ted Gibson were on hand to help beautify the ladies, but this photo has not been airbrushed at all. Do you think women would feel better about themselves if photos were not retouched, and we were able to see celebrities and models as their true undoctored selves? 

*For the record, I just want to clarify that Crystal Renn is a size 12, and that is what the modeling industry--not myself--labels as plus-size.

Re-blogged from

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

New styles landed in our showroom!

Ok, so while we are still decorating our new offices, we have released a few new styles into our showroom in London, if you are in the area check them out!

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Not stopped laughing all morning!

One of my best friends posted this on Facebook this morning, what a great thing to wake up to! 

Check out and then "50 people you wish you knew in real life". Ive picked out my favourite below, seriously had tears in my eyes!

Have a great weekend!

Love, Emi. x x x 

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Adele rocks the front cover of UK Vogue

We are so proud of Adele for turning her back on the media and not super-dieting down to a size nothing! The industry is full of narrow-minded *fashionistas* who seem to promote this size zero frame, to me, its actually really off-putting as man, and personally I think creates this distorted view of what beauty really should be.

Now, I am not saying that I am pro-obesity either, what I am saying is that I am pro HEALTHY LIVING. If you your BMI is classed as healthy according to your height/weight by your doctor then great. I think all shapes of women are beautiful, regardless of their form. Hourglass, rectangle, square - the woman's figure is something of beauty and should be embraced not rejected, starved of food and squeezed into child's sized jeans!

Adele, who's at the top of her game, and I think can only go on to become a super-star, graced last months cover of Vogue - and she is NOT a size zero, but represents the average UK size for a woman. You cannot understand how happy I am that high profile magazines are finally starting to come away from this idea that zero is beautiful and are now embracing true size girls.

This in turn filters down to the younger generation of girls and shows them, that they are beautiful. Karl Lagerfeld said last month "The thing at the moment is Adele. She is a little too fat, but she has a beautiful face and divine voice" I was so proud of her come back, which actually made him eat his words! saying, "Ive never wanted to look like the models on the cover of magazines" she told People Magazine, "I represent the majority of women and i'm very proud of that".

And that she should. Days after winning a handful of awards, she sports the front cover of Vogue...and Adele along with the rest of the nation can stick their two fingers up to Karl!


Images courtesy of:

Quotes courtesy of:

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Behind the scenes of Cheryl Cole's new video "Call My Name"

If you are anything like we are, and we think you are, then you'll be as excited to see images back stage of Cheryl Cole's new video "Call my name". We just love a bit of behind the scenes action...away from all the make up and the lights, the glitz and glamour - it's amazing.

Cheryl looks amazing in the 2 outfits that we have seen so far, and her skin is something to die for, not to mention her hair, all thanks to L'oreal - which by the way, really is a girls best friend!

Now, her last song, fight for this love, was OK - the outfits were a little odd, although  that pilot-type cap was amazing. My best friend bought a sailor boy cap, and by god she rocks it.

I love Cheryl's choice of outfit, or rather maybe the stylists, but the floral blazer, teamed with leopard print  pants and neon heels are a winner for us!

Her new song is rumoured to be a dance track, and is due to be aired first on Radio 1 on April 20th.

Check out the pics below, and let us know what you think?

Images courtesy of:

UK Trends - Pastal Goth


Images courtesy of:

Monday, 9 April 2012

RE-Look: Lara Stone (en Vogue)

We posted about the beautiful Lara Stone a few weeks ago now, and since the post, we've not really got her off our minds! View the original post HERE.

We've been looking through past seasons of Vogue and Miss Stone continues to jump out so well to us, so we have decided to share with you guys some of our favourite Vogue covers the beautiful Lara Stone has graced over the years.

Vogue Paris, April 2007

Vogue Italia, December 2007

Vogue Paris, March 2008

Vogue UK, December 2009

Vogue Paris, September 2009

Vogue UK, November 2010

Vogue China, December 2010

Vogue UK, May 2011

Keep on rocking Lara! We just love you here at Emi HQ!

Images courtesy of: