Monday, 29 April 2013

Fever Ray

Theres nothing more in the world than I love in music, couple that with the finding new music and I'm just in love. Last night, having tea with the other half something happened to me while we were eating.

We had the radio on (as we always do, we dont own a TV - or want to own a TV foir that matter) anyway, and this song came on by a Swedish band called Fever Ray. It. Was. Fantastic!

Kinda Sigur Ros-esq but with lyrics we could actually understand! So, couple this with out of this world creativity, art work to die for and a shit load of synths, violins and wierd sounds and that pretty much sums up the band Fever Ray!

Check them out on soundcloud HERE.

And some of my favourite art work by them below. ENJOY!!

1 comment:

  1. Theres nothing more in the world than I love in music, couple that with the finding new music and I'm just in love. fresh water pearl necklaces
