Sunday, 20 January 2013

Sunday inspiration: Alice & Olivia Instagram

We've not been on Instagram that long, but from the start one of the brands we started following was a clothing brand called Alive & Olivia based in the USA designed by Stacy Bendet.

Every day, on her Instagram account, Stacy posts things which inspire her, what she is doing, and new outfits landing in their stores etc. I must admit, that I do use them as inspiration for my own brand, as each picture really is so colourful and happy it puts a little smile on my face and gets me thinking about colour which is comething I sometimes tend to shy away from...

Anyway, check out some of the pics that I love from her brand below, and while your at it, why not follow us on Instagram too? @Emi_Jewellery

images from A&O Instagram page

1 comment:

  1. We've not been on Instagram that long, but from the start one of the brands we started following was a clothing brand called Alive & Olivia based in the USA designed by Stacy Bendet. pearl bracelets
